מציג 49–54 מתוך 54 תוצאות



ה CYMATIC הוא גלשן היי פרפורמנס לביצועים ברמה גבוהה במיוחד.

השייפ שלו הוא שילוב של הדגמים Sci-Fi ו-Omni כך שבאופן ברור ניתן כמעט לדמיין את השילוב של שני הגלשנים האלו.

אוהבי ה-Sci-Fi יזהו מיד את הבאט טייל הכפול של הטומו. הרבה מהפופולריות של ה-Sci-Fi בשנת 2016 ו-2017 נובעת מהעיצוב הזה של הטייל, יחד עם ה-Quad Inside Single Concave של הטומו.

מבחינת פונקציונליות, השילוב של שני האלמנטים העיצוביים הללו הינו מבריק - הטייל הכפול מוסיף אחיזה בפנים הגל ומאזן טיפה את המהירות הגבוהה שנוצרת על ידי ה-Quad Inside Single Concave.

לדגם זה נוז כמו של ה OMNI אך עם מעט פחות נפח באזור זה. הגלשנים עדיין מזכיר מאוד בסגנון הגלישה את ה Sci-Fi אך עם מעט יותר רוקר ומותאמים לגלים בגובה 1-5ft.

בכל הנוגע לגלים גדולים, גולשים שאוהבים את התחושה של מהירות שכמעט יוצאת משליטה אך בצורה מהנה, יעריכו את התחושה של גלשן זה בגלים גדולים ואיכותיים בגובה ראש ומעלה.



In 2015 Dan Mann was asked to shape Kelly Slater a board for the first time.

"I knew immediately what I wanted to make him. I saw it all in my head immediately, from the bottom contour to the tail template. The way the volume would distribute through the width, the whole shape. It might actually be the most intuitive design I’ve ever done, probably because I’ve spent so many years both watching Kelly surf, and shaping boards. As crazy as it sounds I was certain it would work for him. The odd thing was, after sending him the board in 2015, I never heard from Kelly about how the board went, and I sort of just moved on to other stuff. Then one afternoon in 2017 I got this stream of text messages one day about how Kelly was blowing up at Trestles on my board. It totally caught me off guard. Just text messages and phone calls flying in from everyone. I sorted through everyone’s messages and learned that Kelly’s good friend from Florida who was in town at the time had grabbed the board from Kelly’s shed where it had sat un-surfed for two years. He surfed it and then told Kelly that Kelly would love it based on having known Kelly his whole life, and having a good idea about what boards he likes and doesn’t like, based on all the times the two of them had swapped boards before." - Dan Mann


4,600.00 4,900.00 

Sunday mornings for me start later than most mornings

It’s really a family day.... We wake up, take it slow.... Might be a surf involved before breakfast with my daughter or my son, but we’re never in a hurry to get there. We usually go to the farmer’s market before noon and stock up on produce

In the afternoon I’ll ride my bicycle down to Cardiff reef and maybe paddle out the 7-foot Sunday for a cruise. Then before sunset I’ll ride the 5’6 at Seaside if its good


4,900.00 5,200.00 

Sunday mornings for me start later than most mornings

It’s really a family day.... We wake up, take it slow.... Might be a surf involved before breakfast with my daughter or my son, but we’re never in a hurry to get there. We usually go to the farmer’s market before noon and stock up on produce

In the afternoon I’ll ride my bicycle down to Cardiff reef and maybe paddle out the 7-foot Sunday for a cruise. Then before sunset I’ll ride the 5’6 at Seaside if its good



Rob Machado on the Seaside & Beyond, "I’ve really been wanting to play around with some longer fishy kind of boards for a while now... Ever since I spent some time with Skip Frye and he showed me some of his fishes in the 7 foot range It’s been on my mind. I first stretched out the Go Fish and made a 7'0". It worked great and really got my mind spinning. Then I made a 7’0" Seaside and it became one of my favorite boards in my quiver. I rode it in everything - super small days, bigger days and everything in between. It’s become a board that I will take with me everywhere I go.

It glides. It turns on a dime and most importantly, it puts a smile on my face."



Rob Machado on the Seaside & Beyond, "I’ve really been wanting to play around with some longer fishy kind of boards for a while now... Ever since I spent some time with Skip Frye and he showed me some of his fishes in the 7 foot range It’s been on my mind. I first stretched out the Go Fish and made a 7'0". It worked great and really got my mind spinning. Then I made a 7’0" Seaside and it became one of my favorite boards in my quiver. I rode it in everything - super small days, bigger days and everything in between. It’s become a board that I will take with me everywhere I go.

It glides. It turns on a dime and most importantly, it puts a smile on my face."